Learning Center
For our younger learners, the Learning Center provides opportunities to learn about themselves and the world around while developing foundational skills in reading, writing, and mathematics.
Discovery Days
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Children will be organized into age groups so they may learn and work on academics that fit their ability. There will be learning stations for children to engage in and explore at their own pace. Our educators will tailor learning to fit each child's needs and work with your family to understand your needs.
What a typical day looks like:
​8:30-9:00 am - Drop Off
9:00 am - Morning circle time with everyone, centering and checking in
9:30-11:30 am - Language Arts / Learning Stations
11:30-12:30 pm - Lunch / Playtime
12:30-2:30 pm - Math and Science
2:30-3:00 pm - Pick up time
Explorer Enrichment Days
Fridays from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Our Explorer Days have a variety of enrichment activities throughout the year, children will be broken into different age groups and get to experience things such as: nature awareness, foraging, theater, gardening, art, yoga, juggling, science projects, mindfulness, flow arts, music, project based learning, sign language, Spanish, outdoor wilderness skills, carving, and more. We will be working with specialized teachers to help facilitate these days.
Program for Ages 6-12

Our mission is to provide education that engages the child cognitively and emotionally. We want to give children experiences that get them thinking and asking questions. We recognize and welcome the unique gifts brought by each child, encouraging independent thinking and imagination, and foster a life-long love of learning.
Our vision is to provide a place where children can thrive, learn, grow and have authentic connections. We will use a curriculum to help guide the core academic subjects while teaching children about thoughtful communication, connection to nature and themselves. With child lead learning each child will be given the chance to explore their talents in a supportive and enriching environment.

The Application Process
Inquiry: Fill out our enrollment inquiry form below to begin the process. If you have any questions prior to submitting the inquiry form, feel free to send an email to connect@risingmoonmeadows.com.
Phone call: After receiving your inquiry form we'll contact you for a chat. It’s casual, we just want to make sure you and your child are a good fit for our community and we'll explain how our enrollment works. We also hope to get a better understanding of your child's strengths and areas for growth.
Tour: Set up a time to see the property, meet the staff and get to know us.
Application: Submit an enrollment form. Please note, if all slots are full at the time of the application, we will notify you to see if we should keep your application on file when and if a spot becomes available that year. An application must be filled out each year.
Decision and Enrollment: Following the tour our learning center admin will contact you within a week to ask any additional questions and let you know if there is acceptance.
Contract: A non-refundable enrollment deposit of $150 secures your child’s spot in the class and goes towards supply fees.

Class Size
To keep our learning center a manageable size so the children and educators can thrive and be successful, we will be limit total enrollment to 18-24 children per day.
We will have one adult educator with about 8 kids per group.

5 days per week: $800/month
4 days per week: $620/month
3 days per week: $465/month
2 days per week: $360/month
1 day per week: $200/month
Annual supply fee of $150 per student. There may also be additional costs associated with special field trips.
Tuition is calculated per day the Learning Center is open and then evenly spread out into 10 monthly payments (September through June)